Do you need a car for your holidays in Lefkada?
Book a Car Rental by local agents at very competitive low rates! We can provide you a wide variety of cars in conjunction with our local car and bike agents.
Book a Car Rental by local agents at very competitive low rates! We can provide you a wide variety of cars in conjunction with our local car and bike agents.
No problem! Tell us what you need and we will bring you the best available offers in the island.
Arrange a gourmet or a traditional dinner at your villa or hire a private chef for the full length of your holiday!
Do you feel like a personal massage and spa treatment at your villa or a yoga teacher? Maybe pilates by the pool?
Send us a message and we will make it happen!
We will provide you a wide range of options from various local real estate agents.
We will be glad to help you.
We can provide you a list of sports activities available in our beautiful island and make your vacations super fun!
Contact us and we will give detailed directions to them for your location.